So whats actually happening during your monthly cycle?

Periods. Half, if not more, of the word’s population gets one.

Arguably, the most guaranteed constant a woman will have to deal with in her life. Every woman’s period and cycle runs a little differently, some are longer, some are shorter, some are the same time every month others are scattered and more unpredictable. But no matter what the cycle is, it comes religiously.

I for one, get my period every month with very little knowledge about what the times throughout my cycle mean. I definitely know when I get moody and sore, but I don’t actually know what is happening within my body.

So I give you… the Menstrual Cycle

1. Menstruation 

- This is the time of your cycle in which you get your period

- It is the process of shedding the lining from the inside of your uterus wall

- Estragon and progesterone hormone levels decrease and there is no pregnancy

- This is the week of your cycle when your energy levels are the lowest – listen to your bodies ladies

2. Follicular phase

- Its name comes from the pituitary gland releasing a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone – prompting the ovary to produce 5-20 follicles.

- Each of these contains an immature egg one of these will survive

- This growth will stimulate the thickening of the uterus lining in preparation for a potential pregnancy

- Oestrogen and testosterone will rise and boost your energy!

3. Ovulation

- The releasing of the mature egg from the surface of your ovary

- Oestrogen is at its peak – hello confidence, positivity and social connection!!

4. Luteal Phase

- Oestrogen and testosterone decrease and you start to feel more relaxed until…

- The dreaded PMS stage

- If a fertilised egg attaches itself into the lining of the uterus there is an increase in hCG hormone (that’s the one produced during pregnancy)

- The body will keep producing raised levels of progesterone, which is needed to maintain the thickened lining of the uterus.

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