Can MEDIballs Kegels Tighten The Vagina & Improve Intimacy

A topic approached by each woman differently, sexual health is an important component of everyday function and emotional wellbeing.

Decreased sexual function is a central concern for a number of women and can be triggered by a number of factors. The pelvic muscles that are tied to the orgasmic platform can weaken by giving birth, drastic weight gain/loss, strenuous exercise, or as a result of ageing (which can occur in women over 30).

So if you feel that you may suffer from decreased sexual function, don’t panic. We are here to support and inform you of your treatment options.

Pelvic Floor Health Is Essential

Pelvic floor training is critical to maintaining sexual health as it encourages nerve development, muscular elasticity and encourages blood flow to the vaginal region. 

How Can Pelvi MEDIballs Help?

MEDIballs Secret works to stimulate pelvic floor muscles with weighted balls. The pelvic floor muscle wraps around the outer one-third layer of the vagina, which corresponds to the part of the vagina commonly known as the ‘orgasmic platform.’ The gentle movement of the balls stimulates the muscles, which generates new nerves and increases pelvic elasticity. The result of which is increased flexibility and sensitivity. Re-engaging with the pelvic floor muscle can also improve sex drive, as increased blood flow to the vagina enhances sensitivity and arousal.

Training the pelvic floor with MEDIballs will work towards overall increased sexual function, response and satisfaction.

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